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What is it?
Long Covid is a new phenomenon that has been affecting the public. It can be normal to feel tired, weak or short of breath after your acute COVID-19 infection whether you were hospitalised or managed your infection at home. The acute phase of COVID-19 infection is up to 4 weeks following diagnosis. We know that some patients will recover fully in 4 weeks following diagnosis whilst others will take up to 12 weeks to recover and more will take longer than 12 weeks to be fully recovered.
This campaign aims to let people know that Chartered Physiotherapists can help long covid patients in relation to their breathing and physical management. During September 2021, we shared content and resources around the ways that physiotherapists can support patients.
Our message is to encourage the public to “ask the physio” if they are suffering or have a relative suffering from Long Covid.
Why Long Covid?
Long Covid is affecting the public and some of the symptoms can be treated well with physiotherapy interventions.
Some symptoms that patients notice are worsened by exertion can include:
- disabling fatigue/exhaustion
- cognitive dysfunction or “brain fog”
- pain
- breathlessness
- heart palpitations
- fever
- sleep-disturbance
- exercise intolerance
Chartered Physiotherapists have been working in the hospitals and private practice to support patients in their breathing, fatigue and exercise tolerance on their road to better health.

Advertising Copy
- We are Chartered Physiotherapists.
- We are open and treating patients with long covid.
- Whether it’s fatigue, joint and muscle pain or breathlessness,
- Remember, you can AskthePhysio
- Think of us as your body’s frontline service.
- Visit to find out how we can help
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How will it be promoted?
Public Relations
Podcast Adverts
Social Media Advertising
Social Media Posting
Google Adwords
Campaign Toolkit
If you are a physiotherapist and would like to support this campaign you can download the following resources from for the LongCovid Tookit:
All of these are available for you to use in your practice, on your website and via your social media channels.
Spreading the Word
If you are a physio you can share the message