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Occupational Health Resources for Physios

Access resources to support your practice

What is it?

The intention of this campaign is to bring public awareness to their working environment and the role occupational health physiotherapists can play in reducing aches and pains, increase working longevity, and further demonstrate the benefits of a physiotherapist’s input in all areas of life. Our message is that physios are health experts in all areas of life, including work. The campaign is designed to educate the public and encourage them to see a physiotherapist if they find themselves struggling with work-related pain.

Why Occupational Health?

Occupational Health physiotherapy hasn’t received enough attention given the amount of time we all spend in our places of work over our lifetimes. We want to help as many people as possible who may be unknowingly affected by a poor working environment or poor approach to how they work. The areas of focus are:

  • Reducing work-related injuries
  • Work longevity
  • Productivity in work
  • Improving work conditions
  • Improving quality of life

As healthcare professionals it is important to inform the masses about the health implications of a poor working environment and give them the tools and knowledge to correct it.

Social Media Posts


Campaign Toolkit

If you are a physiotherapist and would like to support this campaign you can download the following resources:

Facebook & Instagram Posts


Dedicated Website Page


Media Release


All of these are available for you to use in your practice, on your website and via your social media channels.

Spreading the Word

If you are a physio you can share the message

Download the link to access the resources

Share the social posts on your own social media channels

Share the factsheets and website link with your patients

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #AskthePhysio