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The elbow joint forms a hinge joint between the forearm and the upper arm surrounded by stabilising ligaments, muscles and nerves.

The bones of the forearm are called the radius and ulna; they meet at the elbow to allow rotation of the forearm. The most common forms of injury are fractures from falls, ligament strains and tendinopathy (tennis/golfer’s elbow). Tendinopathy is often caused by overloading due to repetitive straining of the wrist and hand; such as computer use, racket sports and DIY.


What to expect when you visit a chartered physiotherapist?

Physiotherapy assessment will include joint range of movement of the elbow, hand and perhaps shoulder and neck. Muscle strength testing will help to identify if the tendon is the source of pain.
After a fracture, your physiotherapist will help you achieve normal range of movement and strength. Treatment for repetitive strains may include dry needling, manual therapy to muscles and joints, strengthening exercises and postural retraining if required. Pain originating from the nerves in your arm may be treated locally or manual therapy may be applied to the upper spine.



The content on this page is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

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